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Mental Health Resources Page

General Mental Health Information

Accessing the right resources is a vital part of your mental health journey. Whether you're seeking information about mental health conditions, therapy resources, or community support in Wisconsin, there are a number of valuable resources to assist you and your family.

Mental Health Information 

Patient Education Materials

  • Learn more about my approach to psychiatric care with children, adolescents, adults, and families

  • The American Psychiatric Association's Patient and Family Resource Page on is a valuable online hub that offers a wide range of resources, information, and support for individuals and families seeking guidance on mental health and psychiatric issues. 

Child and Adolescent Mental Health

  • American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) "Facts for Families" is a treasure trove of information on child and adolescent mental health. It's designed to provide clear and reliable information to parents, caregivers, educators, and anyone interested in understanding these crucial issues better. Knowledge is a powerful tool, and informed individuals can make more confident decisions about their mental health.

  • Learn about my approach to child psychiatry and adolescent psychiatry.

  • Suggested reading materials, online references, and local support groups providing (coming)

  • Guidance on discussing mental health with children and teenagers (coming)

Therapy Resources

  • Learn more about my approach to comprehensive psychiatric care, including therapy.

  • One of the reputable websites for exploring and learning about different therapy approaches is "Psychology Today." They have a comprehensive listing providing information on various therapy modalities and approaches in their "Types of Therapy" section.

  • Recommendations for books, workbooks, and moblie apps that complement therapy sessions (coming)

  • Practical self-help exercises and worksheets to support your mental well-being (coming)

Medication, Herbs & Supplements

Medications can play a vital role in mental health treatment, but they're not always the primary solution. At Centered Psychiatry, we believe in a holistic approach that considers all aspects of your well-being. Medication information can provide valuable insights into this treatment option, helping you make informed decisions about your mental health journey. While medications may be part of the conversation, we recognize that each person's needs are unique. Explore available resources to learn more about your options and take an active role in your path to wellness.

Mental Health Medications

Medication, Herbs & Supplements: information, side effects, warnings

Parent Medication Guides

  • The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) and the American Psychiatric Association (APA) have developed Parents’ Medication Guides to help individuals make informed decisions about treating mental disorders in children and adolescents.

Crisis Resources

Crisis Lines & Community Resources

Support is just a click or call away. Life can sometimes present overwhelming challenges. Here is a list of national and local crisis resources and community resources to ensure you're never alone on your journey to well-being.


Whether you or a loved one are facing a mental health crisis, feeling isolated, or simply need someone to talk to, these resources are here to help. From national helplines and online chat services to local crisis centers in Wisconsin, you can find the support you need.


Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and you deserve the care and support to navigate difficult moments. 

National Crisis Helplines

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 988 provides support and resources for individuals experiencing thoughts of suicide or in emotional distress. It is available 24 hours a day and is available in English and Spanish

  • Crisis Text Line, 741741 offers confidential support via text message, through Text, Online Chat, or WhatsApp, for individuals in crisis. Connect with a free crisis counselor 24/7.

  • SAMHSA National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) helpline provides information, support, and referrals for mental health and substance use concerns. It is free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year and in English and Spanish.

  • The Trevor Project's Crisis Line is a vital and life-saving resource dedicated to providing support and intervention for LGBTQ+ youth in moments of crisis and distress. Free and confidential immediate connection with a crisis counselor through chat, call, or text 24/7, 365 days/year.

Local Crisis Lines and Community Resources

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): NAMI is a renowned national organization dedicated to providing advocacy, support, and education for individuals and families affected by mental health conditions. Visit their website for a wealth of information, local chapter locations, and access to support groups and educational programs. Check out NAMI Dane County

Providing personalized care means meeting the unique needs of every individual. Certain populations may face specific challenges when it comes to mental health. Inclusive care means having resources tailored to your needs, whether you're seeking mental health support within the community or you're a professional looking for specialized assistance. Again, you don't have to face your mental health journey alone.


  • The Trevor Project is a leading organization dedicated to providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ youth. They offer a lifeline for those in need, with trained counselors ready to listen and provide support 24/7. In addition to crisis intervention, The Trevor Project works tirelessly to promote acceptance, understanding, and mental health for LGBTQ+ youth through educational programs and advocacy efforts. If you or someone you know is struggling, don't hesitate to reach out to The Trevor Project for help and resources. Your mental health matters, and there is support available.

  • Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), is a nationally recognized organization dedicated to promoting the well-being and inclusion of LGBTQ individuals and their loved ones. They provide a safe and supportive community for families, friends, and allies to come together, share experiences, and gain understanding. PFLAG offers a wealth of resources, educational materials, and local chapters across the United States, all focused on fostering acceptance and advocacy. Their commitment to providing a network of care and support makes them an invaluable resource for LGBTQ individuals and their families. Explore what PFLAG has to offer on our LGBTQ resources page, and discover a wealth of information and connections that can help you on your journey to holistic well-being and acceptance.

Resources for Physicians

  • Physician Support Line, 1 (888) 409-0141, is supported by psychiatrists helping US physician and medical student colleagues navigate the many intersections of our personal and professional lives. It is free, confidential, anonymous. No appointment is necessary and medical professionals may call for any issue. 

  • The American Medical Association's (AMA) "Steps Forward" program is an innovative and comprehensive resource designed to help physicians and healthcare organizations navigate the evolving landscape of healthcare delivery. This program offers a wide range of tools, resources, and guidance to support healthcare professionals in enhancing patient care, improving practice efficiency, and addressing the challenges of modern medicine.

Professional Organizations

Information can also be found through the professional organizations Dr. Russeth is affiliated with:

American Psychiatric Association (APA): APA is a renowned organization representing psychiatrists in the United States. They provide a wide range of resources, including guidelines for evidence-based psychiatric care, research updates, and educational materials for both practitioners and the public. APA's commitment to advancing mental health aligns with your integrative psychiatry practice.


The Wisconsin Psychiatric Association (WPA) is a district branch of the American Psychiatric Association, is a statewide medical specialty organization whose physician members specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illnesses, including substance use disorders.

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP): AACAP specializes in child and adolescent psychiatry. They offer a wealth of resources focused on youth mental health, including educational materials, clinical practice guidelines, and research updates. AACAP's materials on child and adolescent mental health can be valuable for your patients and their families.


The Wisconsin Council of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (WISCCAP) is a state-wide non-profit organization of child and adolescent psychiatrists in Wisconsin. This is a member of the Assembly of Regional Organizations of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), located in Washington, DC.

Wisconsin Psychoanalytic Institute, Foundation and Society: The Wisconsin Psychoanalytic Society is a local resource dedicated to the study and practice of psychoanalysis. They can provide information on psychoanalytic therapy and local practitioners.


The Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM) is a global, interprofessional, member organization that educates and trains clinicians in integrative health and medicine to assure exemplary health care. The AIHM's approach focuses on the whole person, with an emphasis on wellness and health rather than on treating disease.


The American Medical Association (AMA) is a prominent organization that supports physicians through various initiatives, while also advocating for public health and medical education. It establishes ethical guidelines for medical professionals and provides resources for practice management and career development.


Patients and families can benefit from AMA’s commitment to enhancing public health and improving patient care. The association offers reliable health-related information and resources that empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health and navigate the healthcare system effectively. Moreover, AMA's advocacy for quality and accessible healthcare ensures that patients receive optimal care from well-trained and ethically-bound professionals.

The Wisconsin Medical Society (WMS) is a professional organization that advocates for accessible, high-quality healthcare in Wisconsin. The society also provides public health information and resources, supports community health initiatives, and works to ensure that the physician's voice is heard on health policy matters, ultimately contributing to the well-being and health education of the community.


The Dane County Medical Society (DCMS) is a professional organization that supports physicians in Dane County, Wisconsin, to provide high-quality patient care and fosters community health through initiatives and advocacy, promotes public health education, and provides a platform where physicians can collaborate and engage with the community to address local health concerns and needs.

For integrative medicine and psychiatry, consider assessing information from the following resources:

The Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM): While this academy primarily serves professionals, patients and families can also benefit indirectly through the enhanced care provided by AIHM-trained practitioners, and you may find valuable information and support related to integrative health and medicine practices on AIHM’s platform. Always check their official website or contact them directly for the most accurate and current information regarding their offerings and resources.

The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) is dedicated to advancing the practice and understanding of functional medicine, which seeks to address the root causes of diseases through a systems-oriented approach. Patients and families can benefit from IFM as it empowers healthcare practitioners with transformative knowledge, enabling them to offer personalized, effective care that focuses on prevention and promotes healing of chronic diseases.

The Integrative Psychiatry Institute (IPI) provides education and training for healthcare professionals in holistic, evidence-based psychiatric practices that integrate conventional and alternative approaches. Through IPI, patients and families receive access to practitioners who are trained to utilize a holistic approach to mental health, offering a broader range of solutions and therapies for psychiatric care that acknowledge the mind-body connection.

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry's description of Complementary and Integrative Medicine

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